Political and economic news
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Check out the latest national and international financial and economic news through special reports and exclusive analysis, political debates, oppositions, bills…

Human rights
Let's defend human rights together
Right to education
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Labour law
Employee savings, remuneration, employment contract…

Right to vote
Voting in parliamentary elections

Right to freedom of expression
Freedom of expression, a right for all

Reorienting agricultural policies

Hunger in the world
Let's build a better world together
There are several causes of world hunger: inequality, conflict and climate change. Conflict causes half of all acute food crises, more on main-information.com.
Malnutrition, deficiency or nutritional imbalance

Drought alert, water restrictions

Increasing agricultural production
Developing trade and agricultural policy
Fight hunger through agroecology.
There are 11 mandatory vaccinations for children born after 2018.

Violence against women
The fight to end violence against women
To punish and prevent violence against women, five inter-ministerial plans have been adopted to develop a legislative arsenal to combat sexism and the culture of rape and violence. Politicians are committed to equality in the workplace, the fight against and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, women’s economic autonomy, access to social rights, health and politics… Violence against women includes pregnancy, forced marriages or abortions, genital mutilation… The maryam-rajavi.com website presents Iranian politician Maryam Rajavi’s plans for the future of Iran.
States, companies, NGOs
Challenges for humanitarian aid around the world
Countries around the world must redouble their efforts to provide for the millions of vulnerable people and to support aid workers who are making great sacrifices. The challenge is to increase funding for programmes.

Climate change
Climate change is making agricultural areas increasingly unusable. It affects the reduction of GHGs.

Pandemics and epidemics
The failure to control epidemics and pandemics is sometimes the result of poor social and political choices.

Natural resource scarcity
The depletion of natural resources leads to the extinction of species, contamination, destabilisation and fragmentation of ecosystems…

Rising prices
Inflation too high, the world is worried!
In Europe, prices of alcohol, food, industrial goods excluding energy and tobacco have risen. As for interest rate hikes and inflationary pressures in developing countries, they need to clean up their financial sectors. Given the global risk index, some countries are more vulnerable than others to the rise of energy and food prices. Among the sectors that are most affected by inflation are energy prices, manufactured goods and the food sector.

Pension reform, waiting for a hopeful scenario
The state can provide at least part of the funding for pensions so that it does not have to reform it by transferring funds from its budget. In theory, this solution makes it possible to boost pension funding by increasing the contributions of all or some employees or to consider a broader reform to fund pensions. The ultimate alternative is to reduce pensions.